History: After a week of learning about Sir Francis Drake and his circumnavigation, Queen Elizabeth and her struggles with Spain, and the Netherlands and their attempt at Independence, we had many things to do.
Geography: maps of England, Spain, France, and Netherlands
study of longitude, latitude, and time zones
used Google Earth to do a "fly-over" of all of the places Drake stopped at
Science: making our own compass(I've created some group activities to do with compasses and this Friday we have friends coming over to share in the learning)
exploring magnets (for we needed them to make our compass)
learning about the Magnetic North of the Earth versus the Geographical North
Memorization: continents, oceans, location of bodies of water like: English Channel and Straits of Magellan, time zones, some Math measurement, academic vocabulary we are learning, and Anima Christi, a prayer by Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, the patron of our school
Writing: Bubbles wrote a paper on How to Make a Compass. It included not only detailed instructions of what to do, but also why it worked. She definitely prefers the informational writing over the creative stuff.
Just for Fun: We decided to make our own face magnets. The kids had fun adding eyebrows, mustaches, goatees, and sideburns to their cartoons.
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