Saint Agnes was a virgin martyr from the early fourth century. She was a beautiful girl in a wealthy Roman family. She had many suitors, all of whom she declined, for she had given herself entirely to Jesus as His spouse. Having been rejected, they turned her into the Governor for being a Christian. This was in the year of 304 when Emperor Diocletian had order all Christians put to death. She died happily for her Jesus, but not before she was saved a few times by an angel and through her prayers brought back to life the very man trying to put her to death. We celebrate her devotion to Our Lord and her purity. We ask for her prayers that we too may love Jesus with her fervor and that our chastity will always be protected. She is often depicted with a lamb. This is due to her name..Agnus in Latin means lamb and she willingly kept herself pure for her true love, Jesus.

By the way....I did not have any cake mix and "running to the store" is not really an option around here, so I whipped these up--homemade. When I say homemade, I do not mean what I have always meant in the past, which is...I made it in my home, so it is homemade. Nowadays, if I say "homemade", I mean I didn't open a box. That being said...they look delicious, right? The weirdest thing is that they taste almost exactly like sugar cookies. Once the icing was added it really resembled one. The texture was that of a fluffy, moist cake, but the taste was sugar cookie. All of that to say, if you are in desperate need of a white cake and you can't run to the store, make these. I got the
recipe from allrecipes.com
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