I upload my pictures to the computer.
I file them into the correct "photo album".
I go to download them into a blog post and they are not available to me.
So, I promise I am not slacking. On the contrary...I'm working too hard to get this to work.
I found some older pictures you can enjoy and just to keep you up to date, we've started back to school in a small way. Both of the big kids have wanted to get into their Math book as soon as they learned I had it. I had wanted Bubbles practicing her typing in addition to a Geography computer game. Prez has been reading like crazy and it is lots of fun to witness him reading signs and products throughout the day. He can really feel our excitement for him.
My aunt and uncle also brought over a super cool baseball ceiling fan for Prez's room and that got me busy with designs for a new room. I can't wait until Hubby gets started on it all. We also had the opportunity to celebrate my cousin's new baby (due in Oct.) with a fabulously FUN baby shower.
Last, but not least, we were surprised by a visit from my mom's friend's daughter, who used to babysit me, and her beautiful family. They were vacationing and phoned us up. It was AWESOME.

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