Wednesday, June 13, 2012

No kids, just animals

The discovery

Can you see the head and open beak?

Three heads, fast asleep

Hungry little things

Another discovery

Super cool, right?

Yep.  Totally.
I have pictures of a "baby" praying mantis, not downloaded yet, of course, but all of this in honor of St. Anthony..the patron saint of animals and great miracle worker!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sweetness MANIA!

Random photos that illustrate our infatuation with Sweetness.

Her fascination with everything drives my compulsion to have snapshot overload!

Her obsession with books only fuels my preoccupation to click away.

She's not a fad, but definitely an obsession!
We like to enjoy a little Sweetness each day.  Cheers.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Home Sweet Home - The Stay*cation

Hubby had messy, manual labor needing to be done around the house.
Bubbles was dropped off at a friend's house for a sleepover and all day venture at a waterpark.
I had two small kiddos with an entire weekend to fill.
With days to kill, a mission to stay out of the house, and local amenities galore, the end result was
 my first ever Stay*cation!

A little sleeping in (thanks to Hubby), donuts for breakfast (bribe from Hubby) and then off to "play".  We started with mini-golf (Prez won), attempted the 10:30 Coloring Contest (Prez won), and then headed over to the Bungee Jumping!

and rock climbing.....
Following that, Sweetness took her nap and then we went to the pool.  (Prez won--oops, not that time)

The next day, after Mass, we met with some Sunday School families at the local zoo.

The picnic.

The cutest exhibit.

The closest exhibit.

How crazy is this anteater?  Can I just have it on record that this was my FAVORITE exhibit due to the complete creative liberties that God took with this animal! Yeah, God.

The sweetest exhibit.

The "coolest" exhibit.

Yes, folks, this bird took full advantage of the free massage clinic offered by the Holy Spirit Church group-only good once a year.

No vacation is complete without binging and splurging.

The ice cream didn't topple!
I know all you moms were thinking that!

So, after a trip to Home Depot (for final materials on Hubby's project) we headed home.  I only cooked one meal the entire weekend because we're not counting the cereal on Sunday morning and we had a great time together with no other obligations.  Whew!

Are you wondering about Hubby's messy, manual labor project?

Wait for it.

The BLUE carpet is gone, as well as the pee pee smell that apparently only I could detect and I have a beautiful new tile floor in the guest bathroom.  Pictures to follow and a overhaul of the seventies decor as well, only MUCH, MUCH later!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The highly anticipated, most wonderful closing of a chapter in the never ending T-ball season

It all began in March when it was decided that the kids need to broaden their athletic scope to include things outside of soccer.
It almost ended a week later when the practice and games schedules were handed out and I nearly fainted at the idea of practices at 7pm, practices three nights a week, 15 games in a season, away games with travel time of 40 minutes each way, mandatory selling of raffle tickets, and "encouraged" volunteering at the concession stand.  All of this with a 15 month old!  Huh?

However, we started this party and paid our money, so to the dance floor we went.
This was the first night that Prez received his uniform and he didn't part with that hat, except for his bath.

  You might be wondering why my child is sleeping on a mattress with no sheets.  The perfectly sane reason for this is that he wanted to.  You see, Bubble's friend was coming to spend the night the following night so I wanted the sheets cleaned in anticipation of her arrival.  Prez, however, thought it was bumpy and cool.  It was 9:30 at night;  I didn't care.

Warming up for his final game.  Yes, folks, I said final game.  I'm such a great mom that I realized I had managed to survive the entire season, but only by the hair of my chinney, chin, chin.  So, never having a camera with me (much less extra water, snacks, diapers, sunscreen, bug spray, portable chairs, etc.) I had one very gracious moment of mercy when God made it possible that I remembered the camera and it had a charge!  Yeah, God!

"Seriously, another picture, Mom?"  

Lining it up for a perfect homerun!

Well, not this time, but two other times with one resulting in a grand slam!  Go, Prez!

He loved the season and wanted to play in the All-Star game, which he was picked for.  Can you guess what I said?

"Honey, ain't nobody got time for that!"