Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Home Sweet Home - The Stay*cation

Hubby had messy, manual labor needing to be done around the house.
Bubbles was dropped off at a friend's house for a sleepover and all day venture at a waterpark.
I had two small kiddos with an entire weekend to fill.
With days to kill, a mission to stay out of the house, and local amenities galore, the end result was
 my first ever Stay*cation!

A little sleeping in (thanks to Hubby), donuts for breakfast (bribe from Hubby) and then off to "play".  We started with mini-golf (Prez won), attempted the 10:30 Coloring Contest (Prez won), and then headed over to the Bungee Jumping!

and rock climbing.....
Following that, Sweetness took her nap and then we went to the pool.  (Prez won--oops, not that time)

The next day, after Mass, we met with some Sunday School families at the local zoo.

The picnic.

The cutest exhibit.

The closest exhibit.

How crazy is this anteater?  Can I just have it on record that this was my FAVORITE exhibit due to the complete creative liberties that God took with this animal! Yeah, God.

The sweetest exhibit.

The "coolest" exhibit.

Yes, folks, this bird took full advantage of the free massage clinic offered by the Holy Spirit Church group-only good once a year.

No vacation is complete without binging and splurging.

The ice cream didn't topple!
I know all you moms were thinking that!

So, after a trip to Home Depot (for final materials on Hubby's project) we headed home.  I only cooked one meal the entire weekend because we're not counting the cereal on Sunday morning and we had a great time together with no other obligations.  Whew!

Are you wondering about Hubby's messy, manual labor project?

Wait for it.

The BLUE carpet is gone, as well as the pee pee smell that apparently only I could detect and I have a beautiful new tile floor in the guest bathroom.  Pictures to follow and a overhaul of the seventies decor as well, only MUCH, MUCH later!

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