Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday, Lent Begins

Well, this is a picture of our Lenten Calendar. I use it for the kiddos as a way to keep on track and work toward a goal--Easter celebration that is! The original idea came from a book entitled Teaching Your Catholic Preschooler. I've seen other friends use this idea as well and have a similar calendar. Each year ours seems to change a bit, but the idea never does.

We are all trying to focus on Pray, Fasting, and Almsgiving. The calendar has a square for each day during the season. I've added reminders of things we've decided to do to grow closer to Christ as well as certain celebrations that will "break" it up a bit for the kids. They seem to appreciate it.
This is a picture that Prez took as he was putting off bedtime. He was excited that he got an image of the ashes. I was not excited at how tired I look. I guess I'll call it a night.

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