Sunday, March 27, 2011

Six Months Ago Today...

The night of September 26, 2010. I had just finished a wonderful meal of homemade pizza and was anxious for the 27th (the day of my induction). Yes....that is me, nine months pregnant! UGH!
Luckily, contractions began EARLY that morning (4am) and baby Sweetness was on her way!
She arrived (in 2 hours! YIKES!) and everyone was glad to finally meet her! She was all of 6 lbs. and 2oz. So hard to believe!
Happy 6th month, Sweetness!
Looking at her now is such a dream. She is such a joy in our lives. We were going to attempt her first try at cereal, but the day got away from us. Oh well. Wish us luck tomorrow. Perhaps I'll have some funny pictures of that.

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