Thursday, March 3, 2011

Making a Getaway

I thought I was the only one trying to escape this mad house. But, Skip, Bubble's turtle, is ready to commit reptile suicide. For what? Who knows. Perhaps she can't stand the constant whirring of the waterfall or maybe the fish have eaten her food just one too many times. Either way, she's trying to flee.

We've found Skip in the living room and in the bedroom trash can. (The scraping noise on the sides of the can had Bubbles certain that "something is not right".) Oh good grief.

So, today I posted a notice of a FREE turtle. We're hoping that some innocent, unsuspecting family will want to embark on the adventure of aquatic life merely because family life can be too boring when you're not constantly cleaning, yelling, or catching runaways.

Actually, no other family should have our problem because the odds of anyone having an aquarium like ours is slim. (Our tank was specially designed to view coral so it is open on the top. It was a birthday gift to Bubbles from an extremely generous family friend.) When it comes down to it, we are choosing the super cool, extra hyped aquarium over Skip. Oh well, I guess the name was prophetic as she certainly does her fair share of trying to "Skip Out of Town".

Wish us luck with our giveaway. One of our New year's resolutions was to try not to scare our house guests.
Being a good turtle.
Posing for the camera. Boy, she'd do anything to get out of here.

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