Safety Town in Frisco!
I thought we'd get rolling on our field trips this semester.....that is, stop, drop, and roll! This amazing facility is open for classes five days a week with state of the art equipment. Our class session was supposed to be about severe weather, and it was, but as you'll see, it was a whole lot more!Each group was given a chance to come to the middle where a large pile of miscellaneous items were dumped out. They were told to pick out things to put in their backpacks. Prez's group did a great job of getting the necessities.
Here we can see Prez is doing the talking for his group. The officer asked him what they had in his bag and he preceded to tell them..."we have emergency water, medicine, gloves, and a bra." Officer Pablo: "Yeah, okay, that's a mask."
As you can see in the picture, Prez's cousin has his hands over his mouth and he is dying from laughter. Actually, we all were and naturally the other moms wanted to know what was going on in our homeschool. Ugh!
This is just a cool picture because you can see in the background that there is a simulated tornado in the window. They also had the capability to sound the siren that the kids would hear and there was a safety shelter they could all pile into. The officer opted not to do that and scare the really little ones.
Those stinkers!
The next lesson was on fire safety. The kids were paraded up to the bedroom where the officer talked with them about feeling the doorknob, how to put out a fire on you, and what to do if you are on the second floor. The finale was the opportunity to climb out of the window! In this room, they have the capability of having "smoke" pour into the room and practice getting down on the floor and crawling to safety. Cool, right?
Bubbles trying to pretend that she's too cool for this, but let me remind her that nobody told her she had to do it. She could have walked out of the bedroom door. ;)
Last, but definitely not least, the kiddos went outside to the Safety Town. This is a little town, with two way roads, working stop lights, working toll booth, and plenty of shops and street signs. The officer taught the kids different arm signals for turning and stopping and attempted a crash quick course in road safety.
Everyone was then fitted with helmets and a bike. The rest was magical!
A little traffic on the road today. It must be quittin' time.
Green light...everybody's ready to go, but the one in front. Isn't that how it always is?
Prez stylin' and concentrating.
Bubbles, having a blast and this time, showing it!
All in all, it was a success, even with the two collisions. Uh-oh.
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