I'm embarrassed that it has been since October that I have last posted. It seems that in our family, the fall is one huge event after another. I'm never one to wish away time and I certainly enjoyed every minute of Advent and Christmas, but I'm thankful to be in January. A month of minor obligations and warm days insisting you stay cuddled up with a good book. Below is a quick peak at our celebration of the Feast of Ephiphany. The kiddos receive one last gift under the tree and then it all came down...the tree, the decorations, and the kids (after their sugar high).
Prez has finally graduated to the "harder" football. He was still playing with the stuffed one he loved as a baby. Boy, does he love to make it spiral.
Sweetness loves manipulating the coins and the levers, but what she really relishes is the attention she gets with the older two helping her. Two's company, right?
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