Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saint Angela Merici

Third day, in a row, of great saints to study and we're still going strong! This amazing saint had a vision where she saw herself teaching young girls. She asked friends to join her in teaching girls from poor families. Her group of teachers used St. Ursula, the patron of universities as their patron saint. Later this small group developed into the order of the Ursaline Sisters who are still active today.
Because St. Angela was born in Northern Italy, it was an easy decision to make up some pizza! My deacon had just told me of a prayer that his mother, an Italian, would use to bless her bread when set to rise. You take your knuckle and make the sign of the cross in the dough while saying, "Let this bread rise as Christ rose from the dead for the salvation of our souls."

I then ran across one of the prayers that St. Angela encouraged her sisters to pray:

“My Savior, illumine the darkness of my heart, and grant me grace rather to die than to offend your Divine Majesty any more.
Guard, O Lord, my affections and my senses, that they may not stray, nor lead me away from the light of your face, the satisfaction of every afflicted heart.

“I ask you, Lord, to receive all my self-will that by the infection of sin is unable to distinguish good from
evil. Receive, O Lord, all my thoughts, words, and deeds, interior and exterior, that I lay at the feet of
your Divine Majesty. Although I am utterly unworthy, I beseech you to accept all my being.”

Intercede for us, St. Angela, that we may reach out to others and that the Lord may use us to bring blessings to others.

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