You know you've done a good thing when your four year old wakes up, walks into the room, and says, "Let the party begin!"
Much to his dismay, I informed him that the party would begin after Mass. "Can I at least wear my party hat?"
Did he say party hat? Why, yes. You can't have a party without hats.

This one looks especially good in hats.

Of course, what kind of party would it be if there were no games? Here the kids were on a team against hubby and me and we had to use "a strong driving wind" to blow the fire (balled up paper) off the opposing team's side of the counter. Despite all the laughing, the kids were able to blow well enough to beat us.

Our next game was using the fruits of the Spirit--all twelve of them. We were on our own for this one. You called out the fruit of the Spirit that you were aiming for and then you tossed the hacky sack into it (if you were lucky). None of us hit the intended spot.

For our third and final game, we had to drop the fire (clothespins) into the glass container. There were three pins. Bubbles was the winner on this one.

Prez gave it a valiant try.

I thought for sure Hubby would dominate, but he couldn't keep a straight arm. Oh wait, he couldn't keep a straight face. Now, which one was it?

And of course....the cake! This one came complete with tongues of fire.

Just as we hope to be filled with the Holy Spirit, our cake was filled with icing and fresh strawberries. DELICIOUS! We also had "pigs in a blanket" (wrapped in the Spirit) and macaroni and cheese (covered with the Spirit) and red Pentecost Punch (cherry kool-aid).
Looking back, one thing that would have been cool was to teach the kiddos some phrases or words in other languages. This is of course a reference to the fact that the Apostles went out and were speaking in tongues. All in all, it was such fun and Hubby is so WONDERFUL to let me be so cheesy. Last but not least, I had been meaning to buy Dove chocolates for prizes, but forgot. I guess it's a good thing. I wouldn't have gotten any. ;)
On Sunday we return to Ordinary time in the church's liturgical season which means the Easter candle gets puts away for now and we return to our Friday sacrifices in honor of Good Friday. I will be honest that I am not looking forward to this, but with the past 50 days of Easter feasting, my waistline could use the restraint.
Give me grace, O Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father and the Son to say to You always and everywhere, "Speak Lord for Your servant heareth." Amen.