Monday, June 27, 2011

Our cards have arrived!

If you remember from a post in May, we were wrapping up our art curriculum with pictures of Mary to be sent to other homeschoolers. We were to be receiving other's cards in a swap. Anxiously we waited until, of course, it was forgotten about.

Then, one bright summer day......they arrived. Oh the joy! Several of these savvy folks added their email address, blog address, or physical address so that they could have a pen pal. Bubbles immediately took to it. Currently, she emails one of the girls and has written and received a letter from the other. What a blessing!
Here are the cards that Prez received, although I'm not sure why the picture turned. Sorry about that. I'm not too computer literate.

Here are the ones that Bubbles received. All of these girls are EXCELLENT artists.

Here are the ones that I received. Aren't they beautiful?

Having had such a good time participating, we will plan to join again in November.

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