If you're wondering what I was doing on Mother's Day, I can tell you what I was not doing. I was not cleaning or cooking--strict orders from the family!
So, with extra time on my hands....hubby set me up out on the porch with one of my favorite drinks (lemonade), my new book (the Domestic Church by Donna Marie Cooper O'Boyle), and I carried out my favorite nail polish. As I sat painting my hands and feet and refreshing myself mentally and physically, I was anxiously awaiting my next surprise.....scroll on down!

My favorite meal of ribs, homemade onion rings, homemade potato salad, hubby inspired baked beans, homemade cider vinegar BBQ sauce, and grilled corn on the cob. The tea was also made especially for me--Peach Mango Black Tea. Unfortunately, he only bought enough supplies to make half a batch!

Proof that hubby did all this
by himself with the kids. As if you needed proof to know how awesome he is!
With all that extra time on my hands, I did a lot of reminiscing. Down below are some of the memories I have of my many wonderful Mother's Day.

My first Mother's Day with Bubbles and my mom.

Bubble's first attempt at serving me breakfast. Don't you love the mix of paper plate and wine glass?

First Mother's Day with Prez and Bubbles. We went to Austin where Hubby made sure I was spoiled with room service, indoor swimming, and lots of sight seeing. The family even let me linger and read every placard in every museum--definitely a test of their patience.

The finale was dinner at my FAVORITE catfish place. Wow, can I eat some food!

The following year had us in Houston. This time we had the honor of my mom's presence. Hubby spoiled us again with room service, manicures, and more sight seeing.

At a train depot...just too cute not to post!

Seeing trains.

Enjoying the beach.

Visiting the USS Texas, a retired naval battle ship. Bubbles is the only person I know who has become seasick on a docked boat and minutes after boarding, we were off again as she lost her lunch in the grass. Oh well, everyone else had a blast!

Last year, some of the daughters got together. We missed you Kathleen and Tammy! Grandma wore a shirt that said LOVED and we all wore shirts that said, I love my mom or I love my grandma. This was our trip to the zoo and Grandma was totally surprised! Baby Sweetness is in utero!

Another shot that I just couldn't pass up.
So, as you can see, I am spoiled. If I ever begin complaining about anything, just slap me!
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