Monday, February 28, 2011

The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies

Around this house the dance of the sugar plum fairies refers to the kiddos and a tendency known as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This only kicks in after the enormous consumption of sugar and it always seems to coincide with a visit from Grandma!No, I am not exaggerating. No, this is not the only thing she brought. No, I am not complaining! Thanks to Grandma, who came to visit last week, our pantry is brimming, the kids are on the ceiling(but staying out of trouble), and I've gained five extra pounds.

To hear her say it, "Sweet kids deserve sweet treats." To hear me say it, "Yes, Mom. Actually I am getting low on milk and eggs. Well, I'm going shopping on Friday, but if you don't mind picking it up and bringing it in, that would be great! Well, I'm low on bread too, but I don't mind whipping up some. Okay, thanks, bread would be great. Salad? No, I only have some celery left. Okay, salad sounds good. Well could you throw in some fruit? Whatever is on sale. Nope, we're good on chips. Wait, we have absolutely no sugar in the house. Yes, could you please bring me lots of empty calories. I'm dying to go up a size in my pants. No, leggings are the in thing this season and the kids haven't had a cavity in a year, so if you don't mind could you please buy out the candy section? Thanks. Okay, see you in a couple of hours. You're the greatest!"

Actually, I just love to give her a hard time. She really made our day. The truly sad part is that there is only a little bit of cereal left and one bottle of soda. Well, there may be two or three Rice Krispies left.

Did I let the kids have any? A little.
Here is everyone outside the Cracker Barrel after a delicious lunch and much anticipated time together. Thanks, Mom (and Dad) for spoiling us.

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