Thursday, February 10, 2011

My latest time consumer

I thought you might like to see something that took up WAY TOO MUCH of my time. I painted this plaque for our neighbor as a thank you. He has been a tremendous help to us, especially at Christmas, when he handcrafted a tool bench for Prez. He would only let me pay him for the supplies. Once I get it stained, I'll post a picture of it.

Anyways, he is a Razorback fan so I thought he might like to hang this in his woodshop. I purposely didn't fill in the white space with cute little designs or Woo Pig Sooie stuff since it is for a man, but I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. On the other hand, Hubby thinks it's a little confusing. He read it: I Am Hog. I wanted it to be read: I am A hog. Oh well. I had fun doing it and it was well received by our neighbor.

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