It has definitely been a lot of work, but the information is sticking. That makes me happy. These are not all of them since it will be a year long project, but these are a few of them. I'm proud of her hard work and I hope you will enjoy them.
Confirmation means strengthening. A confirmed person has the obligation to spread and defend the Catholic faith through words and deeds.
A sacrament is an outward sign initiated by Christ to give us grace. There are seven sacraments.
Grace is a free and undeserved gift from God that helps you live as a child of God and helps you fight temptation.
The Bishop is the one who usually administers the sacrament of Confirmation and he uses oil saying, "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit." He will lay hands on her head and bless her with the sacred chrism. We learned that in the old days, the Bishop would give a little slap on the cheek as a reminder that in our duty to share the Gospel we will also share in Christ's cross.
The first outpouring of the Holy Spirit came to the apostles during Pentacost when they were gathered in the Upper Room. Through the gifts given to them, they had the courage and ability to go out and preach the Gospel of Christ--3000 converts were counted that day! That's some good preachin'!
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