Anyways, this special feast day celebrates the special role of St. Peter in the church. Christ called him out of the apostles, renamed him, and entrusted to him the role of leadership after Christ himself had ascended into heaven. Peter finished his ministry in Rome, the center of the Western World at the time when he was Bishop there and led the growing church. His authority is passed down and has had an unbroken passage since the beginning of the church. We still have a Bishop in Rome and his special name is the Pope. So, naturally we prayed for our current pope, Pope Benedict XVI.
I had super big plans to decorate a table chair, create a chair to represent, and/or play musical chairs, but these all didn't happen. We were able to discuss this great man and his readiness to answer the call of Jesus and put his trust in him again and again. The above picture shows Peter and his friends putting down their nets after a night of hopeless fishing and catching an enormous amount of fish. I helped Prez color some of this, but I love what he decided to have Saint Peter saying when he pulled up his net.
Even though we know that Peter was told by Christ that he would be catching men, not fish (meaning he would be a disciple who would win many souls for God), we still add fish in honor of St. Peter. Every kid's nightmare is to have a tunafish casserole with peas no less, but that is the only fish I had and you just don't run to the store in these parts. So, with a little sacrifice and a lot of complaining, it made it down. Thanks be to God!
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