Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My latest creation

At the end of a long day, when laundry is still unfolded, dishes are in the sink, and papers are to be filed, I look back on my day, which included sitting only for my lunch, and I wonder where my energies were spent.

Then after a restful Sunday, when Sweetness napped for FOUR hours, and I had the time to create this awesome Monk Bag, I remember that my time is spent chasing, cleaning, playing, feeding, and protecting that little bundle of joy.

So, relish with me in the productivity of a few, good, uninterrupted hours of "me" time.
Overlook the material. I hadn't planned on making this so these were the only two fabrics I had for my whim.
It's reversible so you can have the pocket on the inside or the outside. The long strap is supposed to go across the chest and of course, it is all machine washable! I like it, minus the fact that the fabric isn't "me". I figure it is good for a trip to the library to fill with books and maybe one day Sweetness will put it to good use.

I got the idea and pattern from here.

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