Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pie for breakfast? Well, Yes!

Looking at this picture you may see breakfast. Why not? I mean, there is cereal, yogurt, juice, and a pancake. When I look at this picture, I see pi! That's right, folks. Not pie as in: plug your pie hole or easy as pie, but pi as in the Greek letter and the mathematical constant of the ratio between the circumference and the diameter of a Euclidean circle.

So, look at the picture now. Do you see all those circles? Plate, bowl, cheerios, cup, juice bottom and juice top, yogurt bottom and yogurt top, and the pancake (sort-of).

Are you wondering why we are studying pi today? Well, it's pi day. Today is March 14 otherwise written as 3/14. Pi is approximately equal to 3.14

So, today the kiddos measured the many circles' diameters and circumferences and sure enough, after doing a little division (yes, Prez used a calculator), their circumferences were about 3 times the diameter.
Measuring his string that was used to measured the circumference of one of the items.
Doing a great job of measuring.
Even though I believe the brain is a self-congratulator, I did have a couple of donuts pi-nuts on hand for a job well done. You know to plug the pie hole.

By the way, if you are wondering why there is no picture of a pie, because seriously that is the easiest "tie-in" ever, it is because I never made it to the store. :(

My plan was to let us eat pie at 1:59 because the number pi is actually 3.14159....... a good way to remember this (because HEY, it could be the last question on who wants to be a millionaire) is on March 14 at 1:59 we always eat pie. :) Oh well, maybe next year.

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