Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Weekend Project

Our wonderfully generous and thoughtful friends, the Harris family, thought of us as they were getting rid of their boys' bunk bed. Now, they didn't know that we had been praying and "shopping" for one, so I just thank God for giving them that little nudge.

So, on Friday I went to pick up the pieces. I could fit everything in the minivan except the top two headboards. So, on Saturday, the BOYS "menly men" started to assemble what they could.
Prez was so excited to be helping. On a side note, overlook his clothes please. He couldn't find something green (for St. Patrick's day) in his drawers so he opened up his storage bin of last year's clothes and found that green ensemble. I let him wear it for awhile, but when we headed to our friend's house I made him change. Okay, moving on!
Sweetness kept herself busy, which was nice and then again, not so nice.
Hubby is hard at work.
Upon picking up the last two pieces, Bubbles also got in on the work for merriment truly makes a the load lighter.
Prez still helping.
Totally content.
Totally joy filled-jumping off, of course. Don't worry, Papa, we'll be discussing the rules, but for his first night....I let it slide. :)

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