Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring has Sprung

We discovered the first sprout of the season and it was in Prez's garden. He thinks it is a carrot. "No, wait. A tomato. Well, I'm guessing it's a carrot. Oh, I don't know, Dad." (Poor kid should have used place markers.)
If the previous picture didn't have you convinced that spring has arrived a little early, then this one should. Once ball starts it is officially spring, right?
Bubbles at her first practice tonight. She won the batting contest. The girl who has NEVER played before. The girl who swore she only wanted to play soccer. The girl who came right home, went on Amazon with Hubby and ordered her own helmet with face mask. (It's fast pitch, folks)
And the last photo to convince you that spring has arrived.
A day later and there are now four adorable chicks.

Just a side joke in honor of Ludwig Beethoven, whom we're studying.

Why did Beethoven give away all his chickens?
All they ever said was BACH, BACH, BACH! :)

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