The game works like have two choices (both unfavorable) and you must choose one. The other players have to guess which one you chose and points are awarded on correct answers. Here are some examples...
Would you rather:
*live next to a garbage dump
*live next to an old Indian burial ground
Would you rather:
*ride in a tight, small closed box for a one day plane flight
*ride with pigs in the back of a truck for a two day trip?
Well, I ask you wild and crazy people....
Would you rather:
*walk 10 miles in squishy mud up to your knees
*clean up the baby mess below?

Tonight I would choose squishy mud. Why? Because not only would I receive the much needed exercise, but I'd get a nice warm bath afterwards. I would also take my precious sweet time! :)
By the way, if you're wondering why she is stripped down, it's because I'm not a slow learner. After the first joyful experience of spaghetti and one ruined outfit, I got smart quick!
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