Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Feast of St. Lawrence

August 10th is the feast of this tremendous martyr. A saint who kept his sense of humor and trust in God until the very end.

He was ordered to be put to death after infuriating the Prefect of Rome in the year 258. This Prefect thought the church had a great treasure hidden and ordered Lawrence to bring it to him. St. Lawrence gathered all the poor and sick who were being supported by the church and brought these to the Prefect saying, "This is the Church's treasure".

For his punishment, Lawrence was tied to the top of an iron grill over a bed of fire that roasted him.

St. Lawrence is quoted as saying, "Turn me over. I am broiled enough on this side." Before he died, he prayed that the city of Rome might be converted to Jesus.

In honor of this remarkable man, it would have been fun to do a barbecue (is that too weird?) and it wouldn't have heated up the kitchen. However, we opted for the treat below after seeing it on this site and needing to use up lots of extra birthday candy.

In addition to some skewers and hot dog and hamburger ones, we added a sour patch St. Lawrence to be flipped as we remembered his famous words.

We all definitely need the intervention of St. Lawrence to keep our cool even when things get really hot! :)

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