We need each other. Our lives would be empty without each other. How can we love God and his poor if we do not love each other with whom we live? - Mother Teresa (whose birthday is remembered on Aug. 26th)
Being that I am so far away from most family, my aunt and uncle have enthusiastically allowed us to crash their place for Sunday dinner. We hope to switch off each month and share the hostess duties. This was our first official dinner.

Lucky for us, two of their granddaughters were having a weekend at Grandma's and one of them is our goddaughter. The meal consisted of marvelous meatload, magnificent mashed potatoes, greeeaaattt green beans, blow you away brownies and chicken nuggets for the kids (big and little) :)

I love this picture of the girls playing. I think my goddaughter loves being the older one for a change.

The other two clowns. Lucky for Prez, he has a cousin who doesn't mind his craziness, well, at least most of the time.

While the kids played with the little toys, the boys played with the big toys. My uncle bought a fancy printer, copier, etc. and Hubby was helping to set it up. I'm not sure why they're so happy, perhaps they're surprised it worked! :)

And, of course, no day is bearable in Texas unless you are cooling off.

Well, at least her bath is taken care of for tonight. :) Just joking.
My turn is next and I promised to do something simple. I'll probably just steal my mom's Sunday menu since we will be making the trip into the city once a month for a Sunday masterpiece dinner at her house with as many brothers and sisters as possible. Yes!
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