Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The youngest student

Baby see, baby do.
It seems our back to school reading schedule has left quite an impression on Sweetness. Always one to want to imitate the big kids, she got right to the good stuff--the bookshelf.

She's not just the academic type, though. Brother and sister are always ready to help her out with a little walking practice. We've discovered that when she's holding something (a Wii remote in this case), she is much more balanced and steady. Prez did the release and Bubbles was on the safety end. This short crossing was a success, as you can see in Prez's expression!

I really hadn't thought about goals for Sweetness and you know what...

I'm not going to! Although having her quiet enough in Mass so I could stay in the pew would be a dream--literally! See what I mean about Homeschool Goal #2? I hope this picture warms your heart as much as it melts mine.

A little disclaimer here....Sweetness is NOT officially walking. I didn't want anyone--ahem, Grandma, to think that I didn't call with the great news. ;)

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