Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Me Adore-y Yakatori

Yesterday was the feast of St. Paul Miki and companions. Because we were in town for 4 1/2 hours, we did not have the chance to celebrate until today. So, allow me introduce these Japanese martyrs. St. Francis Xavier brought the good news of Christ to Japan in 1549 and by 1587 there were approximately 200,000 Japanese Catholics.

In 1597, a Japanese decree went out to arrest all Christians and kill them. St. Paul Miki, along with lay people, including women and children as young as 12 and 15 were crucified.

In honor of these brave saints I decided to try and make some Yakatori. It is marinated meat grilled on a wooden skewer served with sticky rice. Mine was good so I imagine the "real" stuff is GREAT!

St. Paul Miki, intercede for us that we will have the courage to be faithful to Christ in all situations.

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