So faith, hope, love remain, but the greatest of these is love.
- 1 Corinthians 13:13
Last year was a great celebration, but this year had its highlights as well. I'll let the pictures speak mostly for themselves. 
Keeping Sweetness quiet with a little bit of our special breakfast.

Prez is begging to open his valentine box, even tries his pouting face, but I tell him he has to wait until breakfast is ready and we are all seated.

Hubby comes in for breakfast and we start dumping - or ripping the boxes-- whichever seemed to yield to the fastest result! ;) The special breakfast consisted of homemade waffles with sweetened strawberries and whipped cream. Yum, yum, yum!

Bubbles reading her valentines.

Prez reading his valentines. It is so fun to see/hear him reading now. Since Bubbles was in public school when she started reading, he is my first child to actually teach how to read and I have such personal pride each time he picks something up and reads.!

Sweetness, who ignores the handful of sugar and goes straight for the demolition of the envelope.

Some of the valentines that Prez received.

Bubbles' valentines.

Even some for Sweetness. They all went in her baby book and one day she'll see just how very much we delighted in her.

The kiddos gifted me with this cute decoration. It is still in the window sill.

Grandma had treats for everyone. Oh...what could it be, Prez? Knowing grandma, it has got to be good.

I'm betting that Bubbles receives chocolate.

What do you know, so does Prez.

Even Sweetness gets a little extra "sweetness".

Whoops! The sugar has kicked in quite early this morning. I guess whipped cream, strawberries, and chocolate is not the breakfast recommended by nutritionists.

Party favors for a Saint Valentine celebration. Dog-gone it.....doesn't grandma know how to make each event special?

Look at the surprise we received in the mail? Another super special valentine from our dearest friends in Georgia. Aren't they gorgeous? Don't you just LOVE them?

Our second round of valentine treats which followed our lunch. I'm beginning to think we're getting a little carried away. Well, maybe not yet.

We started the day with chocolate and ended it with chocolate as well. Bubbles and I whipped this up to deliver to our neighbors. We call it the ribbon dessert. Imagine pecan sandies on the bottom, cream cheese/sugar/cool whip goodness in the center, pudding on top of that and topped off with pecans and cool whip. LOVELY!
Now, I'm sure that we have crossed the threshold of gluttony. :)
Actually, that is to come since we only have seven days to get this all eaten before Lent begins. Yikes!
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